Air Purifier Quick Maintenance Guide

In order for your air purifier to continue to deliver the greatest quality air, it needs to be well maintained. Maintenance and optimal operation steps should be included for the specific type of air purifier supplied in the user manual from the manufacturer. It is highly recommended to follow the care and maintenance instructions carefully and keep the manual so that you can refer back to it as needed.

In general, the following maintenance steps should be followed for all air purifiers:

  1. A Clean Environment

Your air purifier is going to operate much better in a cleaner and dust-free environment. So keep the area surrounding the purifier clean and dust often. It is recommended to vacuum up dust particles, carpets, upholstery and curtains to prevent the dust from entering the air. Do NOT use the vacuum on or in the purifier. It will have to deal with this additional dust. It may also be a good idea to turn the air purifier off while cleaning around it.

  1. Cleaning And Replacing Filters

The air purifier needs to be cleaned regularly. A clean purifier is going to deliver cleaner quality air. Follow the instructions in your user manual to find out how often it needs to be cleaned and how to clean it properly. If your air purifier has pre-filters, remember that these can be washed and should be removed, washed, dried and replaced regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It is best to avoid using any types of detergents, chemicals or other household cleaners when cleaning the air purifier.

Other filters may need to be purchased and replaced. HEPA and carbon filters cannot be washed. If the pre-filters become worn or damaged, they should also be replaced. The filter indicator light on the purifier will let you know when to replace the filters. You can find out from your manufacturer where you can purchase replacement filters for your specific make and model of air purifier.

Check your filters every two weeks to see if they need to be cleaned or replaced. In general, filters should be replaced every 3 months, even if they are washable.

Remember to turn the air purifier off and unplug it while cleaning it or replacing filters. You should always turn it off first and then unplug it. A dry or damp cloth should be sufficient to clean the purifier. Make sure that all parts are correctly fitted and that and dry before plugging the equipment in and turning it back on.

  1. Location

Ideally, your air purifier needs to be placed in a position where it can suck air freely. This means that it shouldn’t be placed against a wall, piece of furniture or near other items. Nearer the center of a room is optimal. You should also avoid placing any items on top of the air purifier or around it as this can hamper optimal operation. Make sure that the air intake and outlet vents are never blocked as this will not only affect operation but can also damage the equipment.

Looking at buying a new air purifier? Checkout at the buying guide here.

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