Does Air Purifier Remove Smell

The air in your home is often refreshing and invigorating, but it can also have an unpleasant odor that originates from cooking smells or pet dander. There are many ways to get rid of these odors without using harsh chemicals such as bleach which could damage the environment more than they help with their intended purpose.

When we think about the perfect home, what are some things that come to mind? A clean environment with no nasty smells would be near impossible for many people. But is this true? Do air purifiers remove all sorts of odors from your surroundings and make them better for you or someone else who may have been exposed too long without protection against these toxins in their atmosphere? We take an objective look at how effective they can remove the foul odors and keep the indoor air quality at its best.

How Do Air Purifiers Remove Odors?

To eliminate bad smells, you need an air purifier that can filter and remove all the particles in your home. No single unit will be able to do this for a whole house- though larger models might help tackle large areas like apartments or offices where many people who share one source of pollution are living together.

Air purifiers come in many different shapes and sizes, but they all work to remove specific types of allergens from the air. These machines have various features that can make your home healthier for everyone! The filters in your air purifier are there to keep the harmful particles from getting inside of it. The filter captures pet dander, hair and other more significant allergens while letting clean oxygen flow through its mesh walls for easy disposal or washing away when necessary.

Air Purifier Effectiveness on Removing Odors

HEPA filters

High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters are great at capturing large particles, but they’re not very good for odors or chemicals. That’s because these substances don’t get caught by the HEPA filter, so you’ll have to use another type of filter altogether!

HEPA filters with UV-C light

Using UV-C combined with a HEPA filter in your air purifier may be more effective at cleaning the air than just using one type alone. This is because these lights destroy microorganisms. However, it would require high doses and contact times with the mold or bacteria to work correctly at eliminating allergen exposure! This is disappointing, but it means you can’t stop the odors by using a HEPA filter with or without UV-C light.

Carbon Air Filters

The most popular way to get rid of odors from the air is by using an air purifier with an activated carbon filter. These filters are known for absorbing VOCs, which make up some smells in your home or office environment and remove them from afar- often without any noticeable scent left behind.

The amount of activated carbon present in an air purifier dramatically affects its ability to remove odors, chemicals and pollutants from your home. While some units use very thick layers for maximum effectiveness against smells like cigarettes or other unwanted substances that may be lurking around you, others might only require one thin layer because they’re designed with limited surface area per unit volume–which means these types will take longer.

Using carbon filters on your air purifier effectively removes odors in your home, but there can be drawbacks. For example, when the filter becomes saturated or otherwise disturbed by rapid changes such as humidity and temperature, VOCs may seep into our air, which could irritate many people’s nasal passages.

Photo Electrochemical Oxidation (PECO)

The long-term solution to odors in the air is a process called Photo Electrochemical Oxidation (PECO) on your air purifier. This purification method can break down and destroy VOCs at their molecular level by using electricity and light waves from an electric current. Molekule PECO technology is a revolutionary new way to eliminate bad smells. Unlike carbon filters that trap gas molecules without destroying them, PECO breaks down all VOCs, including those that cause the odor.

What Causes Foul Odors in Your Room? 

Chemicals Odors

You may be experiencing the smell of chemicals in your home. VOCs or volatile organic compounds can come from various sources, including paints and adhesives, all while being present as another facet to everyday life with us through our reactive clothing components (paint), bathroom products such air fresheners which give off fragrance but also have disinfectant properties when mixed at high concentration.

Musty Odors

Mold is everywhere! You might be surprised that a single spore can grow into a roomful of black furry creatures. And if your home smells like wet dog or moldy bread, there’s most likely some type growing in the corners with high moisture levels (like closets) plus little ventilation–and these molds produce musty odors.

Pet Odors

No wonder pet dander can create unpleasant odors in our homes. Even animals without fur or feathers produce tiny proteins, oils and other substances secreted by their skin to protect it from the outside world but then end up on your sofa pillows all year long!

How to Get Rid of Bad Odors


Odor is inevitable. But the good news? You can avoid it by cleaning your home regularly and using natural products when possible! When you clean with chemicals, not only will odors continue to exist, but they could also worsen in the coming months due to increased VOCs (volatile organic compounds). Instead, choose non-chemical methods like vacuuming over mopping because this helps remove all dirt particles from carpets, making them more accessible for air purifier filters to breathe life back into freshened-up areas.

Proper Ventilation

Indoor air pollution is a severe problem in large cities without outdoor ventilation. Contaminants like allergens, VOCs and odors can get trapped inside your home because they’re not released through natural processes; this leads to more polluted indoor environments that encourage mold growth as well! Without proper airflow from humidifiers or dehumidifiers constantly running at high capacity (which will help keep humidity levels controlled), you may experience problems with both quality of life-such as allergy symptoms -and health risks associated with low-level chemical exposure.

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