How to Make Running Shoes Last Longer

Every ultra-marathoners know just that every running shoes, no matter how expensive will eventually have their time. Running shoes have their mileage limit of around 300 miles. At this point, it is advisable to no longer use the shoes for any high-impact activity as the cushion and outsole may be already too worn to support your feet.

For a beginner runner, 300 miles can already include regular training and a couple of marathons, so you are sure to still get your money’s worth from your running shoes. However, if you want to make sure that your shoes last longer than it’s supposed mileage limit, or worse gets worn before their limit, here some good habits to consider:

Be purposive with your “sneakers” choice of the day

We know how so many new models of running shoes are made to look cool and street-style these days. It can be tempting to also wear them to complete your casual look. However, one of the most important rules in ensuring the full functionality of your running shoes when you need them most is to conserve them. This means to reserve wearing them for days when you are actually running or training. Even walking and standing for a prolonged time will have an impact on the wear level of your shoes. Make sure to invest in comfortable casual sneakers, instead of using your running shoes for all other errands. You’ll find this to be more economical in the long run.

Buy from a reputable sports store

An even better option is to check out the nearest running shop in your locality. These shops have a passion for running as a sport and hobby. This means that they also took the time and effort to carefully curate their products to better serve their customers. You are more likely to find the best running shoes that will your routine and goals while getting great value for money. The best part is, you also get to interact with all other running enthusiasts within your community.

Store in ideal temperature

It can be difficult to think about this with a pair of shoes that actually take you on adventures day in and out. But storage spells huge difference in the longevity of any kind of shoes, and this is even more crucial for running shoes. A common mistake is simply leaving your shoes inside the car trunk. It’s so convenient, right? You can have your trusty shoes wherever you, in case you need a quick run. However, doing this for a prolonged period will significantly reduce the quality of your shoes. It will affect every part, from the breathable mesh to the foam, and outsole. You may even notice that your running shoes do not fit the same way after a couple of weeks. Make sure to not store your running shoes in areas with extreme heat or cold. Breathable and dry storage for shoes is always ideal.

Check your form

This can be a tough one, but if you intend to improve your running performance while also helping your shoes retain their mold, this is something that needs to be done sooner rather than later. For beginners, all the technical information on the “correct” running form can be overwhelming. If we are only after the longevity of the shoes though, starting with the basics can already go a long way. This includes being conscious enough to reduce the impact on your feet by striding forward each time. The vertical impact can be damaging to both your feet and the shoes. A great advantage of maintaining this form is energy efficiency. You cover more distance with lesser impact and energy. If you want to know more about how to improve your form, a good hack is to simply watch professional runners and see how they “pace” themselves.

Get back-up shoes

This may seem rather impractical, but we are sure that once you get into running you’ll find yourself hunting for the next shoe bargain. Having alternate running shoes will keep both pairs in good form for a longer time. This also means never having to worry in case the other shoes get too dirty to be worn on the next training day. Every running enthusiast eventually ends up with two or more running shoes.

Good quality running shoes from a reputable brand should last you two years or more, especially if you are just beginning to build your running routine. By following these tips, you can possibly still extend the lifespan of your shoes way longer than its determined mileage limit.

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