About the author

    Kathy Wong

    Kathy is a good cook and she loves cooking. Her kids and Kathy love to bake in the morning and they use all sorts of appliances. Mixers, blender, coffee maker, oven, you name it, they have it. And she knows which is the best! If you want to know it, check out her post to find out!


    Do air purifiers work with Windows Open? 2022 Full Guide

    Can air purifier be used on windows? Answers to these questions can be complex, and the answer can depend on the air purifiers used as well as the location of the windows themselves. If you’re like me, you probably keep your windows open as much as possible in the warmer months. But does that mean […]


    Why Homeowners in Malaysia need an Air Purifier

    Did you know that one in every four Malaysians is affected by asthma? And according to the World Health Organization, air pollution is the world’s largest environmental health risk. If you’re a homeowner in Malaysia, it’s important to take steps to improve the quality of the air inside your home. One way to do that […]


    A Guide to Using Your First Air Purifier

    Are you new to air purifiers? Homeowners who are just starting out may be wondering what an air purifier is, what it does, and how to use one. This guide will give you all the basic information you need to get started with using your first air purifier. We’ll cover the different types of air […]


    Air Purifier vs Dehumidifier – Which one is best for your home?

    If you’re a homeowner, you may be wondering whether you need an air purifier or a dehumidifier. Both of these appliances are important for maintaining a healthy home environment, but they serve different purposes. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the differences between air purifiers and dehumidifiers and help you decide which one is best […]


    Does Air Purifier Help with Asthma?

    You or someone in your home have asthma may wonder if an air purifier can help. Asthma is a condition that affects the lungs, making it difficult to breathe. There are many different triggers for asthma, including smoke, pollen, and pet dander—an air purifier help to remove these triggers from the airbreathing easier to breathe. […]


    Air Purifier Buying Guide

    Some people think of air purifiers as a luxury item—something only wealthy homeowners can afford. But what if I told you that an air purifier could actually save you money in the long run? In this air purifier buying guide, we’ll explore the benefits of owning an air purifier and provide a buying guide to […]


    Air Purifier Maintenance Tips

    Chances are you probably don’t give much thought to your air purifier until it starts acting up. But regular maintenance is essential if you want your air purifier to continue working its best. Here are a few tips to help you keep your air purifier in good shape. While you entrust the air quality in […]


    Does Sunscreen Lighten Skin

    We all know we must wear sunscreen daily to avoid sun damage, but many of us still forget. Why? The main reason is that applying and reapplying your favorite natural or chemical sunscreens can feel like a tedious chore- especially when you have a busy schedule or just don’t want to put in the effort! […]


    Should You Wear Sunscreen Everyday

    Regardless of your skin type, you should wear sunscreen every day, even when it’s cloudy. There are certain rays of light that penetrate clouds and make people think they aren’t as dangerous to our skin because there is no sun present – but this isn’t true! These same lights can damage your cells without giving […]


    6 Side Effects Of Sunscreen You Should Be Aware Of

    As a buyer, it’s important to be well-informed about the products you’re purchasing. There are so many sunscreens on the market today, and it can get confusing which one will really be good for your skin in terms of sun protection. Some are also wary that the sunscreen products they are using could result in […]

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