Importance of Having Your Own Blood Pressure Monitor

If you are visiting the doctor because of high blood pressure, chances are that your doctor will recommend purchasing a blood pressure monitor. High blood pressure is known to cause heart failure, stroke, and kidney disease if it is not monitored regularly.

It used to be very expensive to buy a monitor however now there are many different types available for sale which can provide readings without needing to go into hospital or clinic each time for testing. It is recommended by doctors that you purchase your own blood pressure monitor so that you can keep records on whether there has been an improvement in your condition following treatment. Here are the many benefits of having your own monitor:

Regular Monitoring

Not only can you keep track of whether there has been an improvement in your condition, you will also be able to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment that your doctor prescribes.

Depending on your lifestyle and occupation it is advisable to monitor your blood pressure several times a day rather than just once a day. In order to get a true reflection of what is going on in your body at any one time, it is recommended that you wear the monitor for 24 hours which means testing when you are resting or sitting down as well as when you are active. If necessary it may be a good idea to ask somebody else in the household to help you measure your blood pressure throughout the twenty-four-hour period if this would make it easier.  This is made so much more convenient by a blood pressure monitor.

Being more aware of your triggers

Even if you are on maintenance treatment, it is unavoidable to have an occasional spike in your blood pressure.  By knowing when your blood pressures get high you will be able to take steps to avoid the trigger and monitor any changes in your lifestyle that may help.

In some cases, if you find that you are having a particularly difficult time with maintaining healthy blood pressure, or there is something that seems to make it worse for no apparent reason, a monitor can enable you to establish whether certain foods cause problems for you.

Easier compliance with treatment

Monitoring provides regular feedback on how the body is responding which can only improve compliance. Therefore, regular monitoring often makes sure patients take their medication on time and stay on track with their lifestyle changes which is an integral part of managing high blood pressure.

By having your own monitor at home, you also become more motivated to stick with your treatment plan and lifestyle change, especially when you see consistent normal blood pressure. It can also be shared with the rest of the family who may not have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, yet.

Digital Blood Pressure Monitor vs. Aneroid (Manual monitor)

Digital blood pressure monitoring is more expensive than manual monitors but can provide results in a matter of minutes. If you do not need the convenience and portability of a digital monitor, aneroid sphygmomanometers are available at low cost from pharmacies and online retailers. Aneroid monitors require calibration by a medical professional on a regular basis to ensure accurate readings.

All types of monitors have built-in safety features that allow them to be used with patients who have pacemakers or other heart devices without interfering with their operation.

However, for regular home use it is best to go for a digital monitor because it does not require any assistance to accurately measure your blood pressure. It is straightforward and offers accurate reading, nonetheless. Just make sure to buy a digital blood pressure monitor from a brand or company that has been known to manufacture medical equipment. There are already many similar products online, but they may not be as reliable as the more expensive yet medically approved versions.

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