5 Reasons Why An Electric Scooter is a Good Buy in Malaysia

One of the best things about the electric scooter is that it is allowed to ride on public roads and pathways. You also do not need to register one in Malaysia. However, when riding an electric scooter, you must abide by road rules such as “stop”, “yield” and “go straight” like what you would see when riding a normal bicycle.

This makes it easier for you to get around because you can use the LRT system to commute from your house in to work, then just bring the e-scooter up in the office basement parking and ride down in safety (and security) in paid car park all day long until its time to go home.

What are the Benefits of Owning an Electric Scooter?

1) People with physical disabilities can still get around by themselves without having to rely on somebody else. As long as you have enough battery life, you will be able to get where you want to go without pain or difficulty! This is especially useful for people who live in the city and do not own a car because it saves on expenses.

2)   It is environmentally friendly. By riding your electric scooter instead of taking a taxi or bus, you are saving up on fuel costs which helps cut carbon monoxide emissions . Not only that but it’s also easier on your wallet when it comes down to refilling gas tanks whereas recharging an electric scooter is relatively more affordable.

2)  You can still ride your e-scooter in the rain. Even if you are not particularly physically fit , electric scooters are still easy to use. The main difference is that you have an electronic device with buttons and a small LCD screen which allows you to monitor battery life, speed, trip distance etc. If this is too much for you then just leave it alone! You can still just push off using one leg like normal bicycles because the motor will kick in when it detects resistance from your leg! 3) It is relatively more affordable compared to other modes of transport. For example, if you want to own a car with similar horsepower as an electric scooter, you would  have to fork out at least RM100 000 with  zero-downpayment (just like how it is with the recently announced Proton Saga). Besides, you’ll need to pay for petrol at least once every day whereas an electric scooter can be recharged via home usage of electricity .

4) You don’t have to worry about driving license or registration. Since it is already allowed on public roads and pathways, why not just use this as an affordable form of transport?  As always, just make sure to abide by the usual traffic rules that apply to electric scooters to stay safe.

5) It’s easy on your knees. According to some people who suffer from knee problems, there are many health benefits that come with riding a bicycle or an electric scooter because they do not put pressure on your body like normal motorbikes or even regular bicycles. Because of this, more and more people are investing on electric scooters to be their go-to mode of transport for daily errands.

How much is electric scooter in Malaysia?

Electric scooters in Malaysia are gaining popularity at a rapid rate. People are starting to see the potential of how it can save them money in the long run while being easier on their bodies, especially for people looking to gain extra income by becoming an e-scooter sharing service provider.

However, not everyone can afford to purchase an electric scooter that costs more than RM2000. For this reason, there are several rental companies that rent out e-scooters by the hour or day, so you only pay for what you use! This means it is perfect if you don’t want to own one but still have access to one when needed!

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