How to Make Fan Cooler

Summertime is hot! And while air conditioning can help make things more comfortable, sometimes it’s too expensive to keep the house or apartment cool all day and night. That’s where the fan cooler comes in. Using a fan and some ice, you can create your cooling system; you won’t need an air conditioner, which will keep you cool and save you money on your electric bill. Follow these simple instructions to make your fan cooler. You’ll be glad you did!

Check the Direction of Your Ceiling Fan

The direction of fan blades circulating will determine if your fan is working to cool you down or simply blowing hot air. The electric fan blades should spin counterclockwise during the hot months to help push cold air downward. The fan blowing in this direction lets you catch the breeze while drinking icy lemon water on the sofa. If your fan blows hot air, the blades are likely spinning clockwise. This can happen when the fan is set to low speed and needs to be set to high speed. Switch the fan speed to high, and the problem should be solved. If your fan is still blowing hot air, there might be something wrong with it, and it’s best to consult a professional.

Use Two Fans

To create a cool and comfortable environment in your home, it is essential to block out the sun’s rays during the day. By closing all windows, drapes, and blinds, you can reduce the amount of heat that enters your home. At night, open your windows and place two electric fans in front of them. The first fan should be facing outwards, while the second fan should be facing inwards. This will create a strong airflow that will remove the hot air from your home and replace it with cooler air. As a result, you can enjoy a comfortable temperature in your home without relying on air conditioning.

Use Ice and Ice Cold Water

One way to reduce the temperature of circulating air in your home is to make a DIY air conditioner. Put a large bucket of ice directly in front of the fan. The fan blows air over the ice, melting it and creating refreshingly cool air as it evaporates the sweat from your skin. A variation of this method is to freeze water bottles and place them in front of a fan to help circulate cool air. Another option is to place a damp, cool cloth in front of or over a fan. Doing this will lower the temperature of circulating air in the home, creating your air conditioner.

Clean Your Fan

One of the simplest ways to improve an electric fan’s performance is to ensure it is clean. Over time, dirt and dust can build up on the blades, causing the fan to work less efficiently. As a result, it is essential to check and clean the fan as the manufacturer recommends. In most cases, this will involve removing the fan from its housing and using a soft brush or cloth to remove any debris. Once the fan is clean, be sure to reinstall it properly to ensure that it continues to operate at peak levels. By taking a few minutes to perform this simple maintenance task, you can keep your fan blowing strong for years to come.

Use Light Fabrics

As the temperature rises, reaching for the fan switch can be tempting. But before you do, consider your options. Even your most complex fan system is no match for a set of heavy, heat-trapping linens. Ditch the cumbersome clothing and blankets and switch to a light cotton or linen blend that will let your body breathe. The same goes for your bedding. Opt for light sheets in a natural fibre that will keep you cool and comfortable, allowing a refreshingly cold air. You can beat the heat with a few simple changes without using electric fans.

Use the Lowest Speed

First, it pays to understand that fans are usually most efficient at their lowest speed. Turning up the power shifts more air but uses more electricity, generating more heat and noise. Try to stick with the slowest speed that produces an adequate draft. If you’re using an electric fan, be sure to place it in front of an open window so that it can blow the warm air out of the room.

Use Dehumidifier

In summer, the main reason you feel hot is not just because the temperature has risen but also because the humidity has increased. This prevents sweat from evaporating, which is your body’s natural way of cooling down. Using a dehumidifier can help, as it sucks the moisture out of the air. This won’t make your house cooler, but it will turn wet heat into a dry one, making fans more effective.

Different Fans You Can Choose:

There are several other fans you can choose from, depending on your needs!

Table Fans

Table fans are small and compact electric fans that are best used in small spaces. They can be placed on countertops, desks, and other platforms. Table fans typically have three blades and a small motor that powers the fan. The fan blows air through the blades, which causes the blades to rotate. The blades then push the air out of the fan, providing a cool breeze. Many table fans also have adjustable heads, which allow you to direct the airflow to where you need it most. Table fans are an affordable and efficient way to cool down your space without taking up too much room.

Pedestal Fans

A pedestal/standing fan is a fan that is tall and has an adjustable height. It also oscillates, which means it can rotate from side to side. This fan is perfect for cooling living rooms and bedrooms because it can blow air around the room. Electric fans like this are also hushed so they won’t disrupt your sleep or TV watching. In addition, pedestal fans are very stylish and come in various colours and designs. So if you’re looking for a fan that keeps you cool and looks great in your home, a pedestal fan is perfect.

Window Fans

Window fans are a great way to create cross ventilation in a room and eliminate stuffy air. They work best in pairs, with one fan blowing in and the other blowing out. Electric fans can circulate air but are not as effective as window fans.

Wall Mount Fans

A wall fan is a great way to keep your room cool and save space simultaneously. Aside from the living room, these are best installed in garages, outdoor patios, home gyms, and other places with limited space. Wall fans come in various sizes and styles, so you can find one that fits your needs. Some fans even have a remote control so you can adjust the speed and direction without having to get up. A wall fan is an excellent option if you’re looking for a fan that can make a significant impact in a small space.


Whether you’re looking for an alternative to air conditioning or want a way to cool down on a hot day, using a fan cooler is the perfect solution. These instructions are simple and easy to follow, so you can have your cooling system up and running in no time. Have you tried making your fan cooler? What tips do you have for other readers? Let us know in the comments below.

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