Things to Consider When Buying a Digital Door Lock

The convenience of the digital door lock is unbeatable. You can unlock your front doors from anywhere through an app on their phone, or they will open when you are in close proximity to them – making it easier than ever before! Not only does this new technology give people more control over who enters their homes but also ensures safety with features like automatic locking after 10 minutes without activity inside.

The market for smart locks is growing fast. There are keyless options, Bluetooth ones and even fingerprint-based access systems that can work with your existing deadbolt to give it an upgrade! But how do you know which one will best suit what you need? We’ve put together this guide on the different types of today’s top notch security products:

Connection Option

If you want to connect your lock with other devices in the home, make sure that it can communicate using one of three common protocols: WiFi, Bluetooth or Z-Wave.


The Wi-Fi enabled smart locks let you remotely lock and unlock your door as well as create new users, view status updates on the device’s activity log. Connecting these to Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa will give them more features like integration with voice assistants for convenience in everyday living.


Bluetooth is an excellent protocol for smart locks because it doesn’t use as much battery life than Wi-Fi does. The downside to this convenience? You’ll only have about 300 feet of range before losing connection, so make sure your home’s layout allows enough room between each device connected via Bluetooth! Bluetooth locks are a great option for people who want the simplicity and convenience of connecting their home to one device. They work with any Bluetooth-enabled phone or tablet, so you don’t need an additional hub like some other systems do.


The range of a Z-Wave connection can be about 120 feet, so the hub needs to remain close enough. However additional devices will act as repeaters and increase signal strength by repeating it further away from you. Z-Wave is a great technology for locks, but it has some drawbacks. For starters you need an additional hub in order to connect with Wi-Fi and use more third party devices than just Bluetooth based ones – if your plan includes connecting SmartThings or another smart home platform of choice!

Features to Consider


Locks can be found in different styles, from modern to classic and everything between. We recommend finding a look that goes with your home’s design while not being too noticeable from outside – after all you don’t want people casing the joint!

Battery Life

With the ever-growing technology in our homes, it’s important to consider how much battery life your new smart lock will last. A standard six month or one year warranty should be enough for most people who want a reliable product that won’t break down on them within their first week of owning it!

Power Backup

It is much better if you digital door lock has a power backup, that way you wont be fully reliant on the WiFi or home power in case of an outage.

Locking Mechanism

Digital locks have multiple options when it comes to its mechanism, and surely, there is one for you. The most common mechanisms have been a keypad or fingerprint. But there are also locks that have voice assistant or an app for easier access. Find what you want before buying one.

Mobile App

Most digital locks have an accompanying app for your phone that you can use to access its features and notify you on activities. You need to make sure that the apps have decent ratings and reviews on Apple or Google Play before buying the lock. User-friendly apps are always much better than the complicated ones.


Digital locks are significantly much expensive than traditional locks. When preparing the budget for a smart lock, do not forget to include on your budget the installation expenses that comes with it. Digital Lock installation can be a bit complicated and can add a bit of expense if you are planning to hire a professional.

Tips for Having a Secure Digital Lock


When it comes to security, it is always better to use trusted brands. They have the reputation and experience behind them so you can be confident that you have a quality model and not something that can easily break down.

Multi-Factor Authentication

With these kinds of lock being digital, there is always the threat of being hacked. Having multi-factor authentication for your locks can help you prevent this kind of intrusion. This would require them to enter more passcodes that will only be sent to your own device, and even require things like fingerprints or facial recognition.

Software Update

Digital lock updates are usually done to tune up your device. It may include additional security features or ease of use for you, so make sure to update your lock software for your own security and convenience.

Strong Password

You password should not include any personal details about you such as birthday or address, as it can be easily guessed by intruders. It is more advisable to use a unique password that you haven’t used before. After all  it is for your own security.

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