When Should You Replace Your Pillows

There are many benefits to replacing your pillows regularly, including preventing allergen buildup and improving sleep quality. A general rule of thumb is that you should get a new pillow every 1-2 years or when they no longer provide enough support for sleeping position – whichever comes sooner!

Nowadays, people have been washing their pillows frequently to prolong them for longer periods of time. However there is a limit as well; if you keep using your old pillow more than 2 years before it’s too late then expect some health problems and disruptions when sleeping such as headaches or back pain!

So when should you replace your pillows?

Do The Fold Test

Hold the pillow upside down and press down firmly with one hand until it compresses into an oval shape, then let go! If this doesn’t work or if they stay folded instead of springing back like normal after letting go, replace them immediately- these will not last long at all.

Feels Lumpy

You can’t sleep because of lumps in your pillow? Well get ready, because it looks like you’ll be needing a new one soon enough. Lumpy pillows are never comfortable and they also provide less support than smooth ones do so if this is happening every night then there may not much longer before things improve for the better!

Expiration Date

The expiration date on your pillow is a good indicator that it’s time for an upgrade. Pillows made from polyester are prone to fading and losing their shape, so you should check with care if yours has passed its prime or not!

Neck Pain

The perfect pillow is one that provides the right amount of support for your head, neck and shoulders as you sleep. If it has sagged or flattened over time then this can cause soreness in these areas during restful hours which might lead to an unrefreshed feeling later on; side sleepers may also experience problems with their chests because nothing supports them properly while they lie down flat (and there are no pillows available). Replacing an old/flattened favorite will help get back what was lost!

Why should You Replace Your Pillow?

Prevents Pain

Your pillows should keep your spine neutral. If you’re experiencing pain in other areas of the body, like lower back or neck for example, it’s likely due to an alignment problem with one side being heavier than another when laying down and causing strain on muscles around these joints which then causes discomfort throughout our entire bodies! A worn-out pillow cannot provide support enough so we need extra care while sleeping at night.


Have you ever had a bad smell come from your pillow? It might be because it’s absorbing all of those fluids and dead skin cells. Even if you put something like an extra-large cotton tee shirt over them, the liquids can still get through to pores in fabric that are open for breathing room as well as potential mold growth due to high moisture levels inside our homes nowadays. To avoid this problem we recommend getting new pillows every few years or whenever they start smelling.

Reduces Allergens

The perfect environment for dust mites is your bed. They feed on dead skin cells, thrive in warm and humid atmospheres (especially when you’re sleeping), so it’s not surprising that they’ll love living alongside us! You may experience watery eyes or scratchy throat as well as other allergic reactions if this isn’t addressed quickly enough. Your pillows are more than just a place to lay your head; they also house lots of dirt and bacteria. Not only that, but those nasty allergens can build up over time if you don’t replace them regularly!

Basic Pillow Maintenance Tips

If you have a set of pillows, it’s important to take care of them. proper maintenance can extend their life by several years and help avoid any problems with fading or stains caused from neglecting your bedding accessories!

Pillow Cases

Keeping your bedding clean is really important. The pillowcases come with sheets, but if you don’t have them then there’s no need to worry because they’re also sold individually! A waterproofing fabric protector will help protect against spills and moisture while giving it an extra layer of protection from dirt accumulation  

You can protect your pillows from getting dirty or wet by using a pillow protector. A waterproofing fabric is usually included in set with bed sheets, but if not there’s always the option of buying one separately! These also keep you clean because they prevent moisture absorption when sleeping on them during those first few weeks after purchase- which means no mold build up at all (or almost none). You should wash both sides every three weeks unless otherwise noted; just be careful about removing anything that says “washable.”


You can’t go wrong by giving your pillows the best treatment! If they are machine washable, make sure to do it every four or six months. The high heat will kill all allergens breeding within them so you don’t have any problems with allergies when sleeping on these comfy cushions later down the line.

The best way to wash your pillows is by using a mild liquid detergent. Make sure you don’t put any other clothes or bed linens in with them, as this can overload the washer and result in rot from wetting out all of it’s material inside one go!


When you’re done with your clothes, don’t forget to tumble dry the pillows! If they get too wet or moldy inside of them then put on some covers so that no more bacteria can grow.

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