5 Common Signs It’s Time To Replace Your Water Heater

A lot of people don’t know when they should replace their water heater. There are many signs to keep an eye out for that can indicate it’s time to replace it. With that said, here are five common signs it’s time to replace your water heater.

1. Noises

One of the most common signs it’s time to replace your water heater are noises. As water heaters age, they can start making loud noises. The noise is typically the loudest shortly after the heater turns on and as it heats the water.

There are many reasons why water heaters can start making noises, with one being the buildup of sediment. Sediment can buildup at the bottom of the tank, and eventually, it becomes thicker and harder. As a result, the tank makes noise when it’s in use. Asides from sediment playing a role in causing a tank to become noisy, sediment can lead to leaking.

2. Rusty Water

Another telltale sign it’s time to replace your heater is rusty water. Many water heaters are made with steel or have parts that are steel. Although steel is a durable and reliable material, it come still rust. When steel inside a water tank begins to rust, eventually that rust can get into the water.

If you notice rust is in your water, then you should probably replace your heater as soon as possible. You don’t want to drink water that contains rust. If you don’t take care of the problem quickly, then eventually it’ll just get worse.

3. Leaks

Even the best and most reliable water heaters can eventually leak as they age. A lot of heaters typically will leak as they end their life expectancy. If you notice your water heater is leaking, then you should have a professional look at it to see if it can be repaired. If it can’t, then you’ll have to replace your water heater.

The main cause of leaks is metal in the tank starts to expand. Eventually, the metal becomes fractured, and this causes water to leak through. There could be issues with the fittings too. Whatever the reason for the leak, it’s important to fix it right away, otherwise, it means you’re wasting water and spending more money than you have to.

4. Water Not Heating Up

Another sign that you should replace your heater is it’s not heating up water. As water heaters age, they can stop working properly. This means not heating your water, which results in cold water.

Also, it may take a long time for your water to be warmed up. If this is happening, then this is another sign that something is wrong with your water heater. Whether your heater is taking a long time to warm up your water or your water isn’t heating up at all, you’ll want to address the problem as soon as possible.

5. The Heater Is Old

The final sign that you should replace your water heater is it is very old. If you can’t remember how old your heater is, then it’s probably time to replace it. Plus, many of the newer models of water heaters are more efficient, which results in saving money. If your water bills are high and your water heater is old, then consider replacing it.

Those are five common signs that it’s time to replace your water heater. If you notice any of those signs, then contact an expert who can inspect your water heater. They’ll let you know whether or not you need a new water heater. They’ll also be able to help you choose a water heater based on your property’s needs and your budget.

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