The Common Mistakes When Using and Installing a Dashcam

Dash cams make for a great investment, especially if you need an insurance discount or want to avoid litigation after accidents.  The popularity of dash cameras is constantly increasing and people understand how much safer they can be on the road with this device installed in their vehicles! Not only does it improve your safety but also lowers monthly payments due since many insurers premiums decrease when there’s footage from before/after crash incidents available – even crucial evidence during court cases if something goes wrong between two cars traveling towards each other fast-which isn’t always easy without these types camera filming everything clearly

Dashcams can be a great way to capture the events of your life on film. Though installing one is simple, there are still several things you need know and do before getting started! We’ll cover some common mistakes people make during this process as well provide tips for making sure everything goes smoothly from start-to finish

Not Choosing the Right Video Quality

It’s important to choose a dashcam with the right resolution and frame rate. The trick is finding one that works well both during day as night so you can capture high-quality footage no matter what time it is! Most devices these days come equipped WDR feature which increases light levels while recording at nighttime; however, be aware this may cause noise in your videos or reduce their quality if used all year round – keep track of when each mode will be most useful for you before purchasing anything else.

Disregarding the Manual

Installing a dash cam is easy if you follow the instructions closely. However, many people neglect to do this and then encounter problems they cannot solve- just like any other device! There are numerous models of these available on today’s market; even though they all may seem similar (and sometimes they really ARE!) there will often be significant differences in how much guidance comes with them versus what type or model would suit your needs best– so make sure before buying something special that has lots more features than necessary simply because “it looks cool”.

Choosing the Right Angle

When installing a dashcam, the goal isn’t just to get high-quality footage but also make sure that it can film everything in front of you. As such when setting up your device ensure 40% records what’s going on above and 60%, below ground level so there are no glare issues while driving at night or during harsh light conditions like noon time under direct sunlight because this will affect visibility significantly if not properly adjusted. Connecting your phone to a dash camera gives you access not just for filming but also angles. The right app will help determine where and how best place the device so that every second of driving is captured on film!

Dirty Windshield

Cleaning your windshield is an essential step in mounting any type of dash cam. It’s important because if there are any dust or other residue on it while driving, they could trigger an unsteady mount which could cause injury as well property damage! The only way to make sure that it’s secure and won’t slide around while you drive, or worse yet -pose a danger- if something happens during the process! First off all we recommend washing away any residue with soap & water before drying off completely so there are no dirt particles left behind on either surface which could cause scratching later down line.

Right Fuse Slot

Wiring this device to the vehicle’s fuse box is a standard installation method since it powers not only your camera but also enables you record even when parked. If unsure where find them, make sure look through their manual for directions on how; however once found there are some other things that need consideration too – like what slots should be avoided due safety features such as horns or airbags! The dashcam should go with a power range of 10A – 30 in order to ensure optimal performance.

Mounting in a Corner

Dash cams are a great way to capture footage of your journey, but not so much if you have something blocking the view. naturally this means that we need our dash camera mounted in an ideal location for what looks good on film. Mount your dash cam as close to the middle of your windshield possible. You’ll get better quality footage this way, and you should remove anything from inside that doesn’t need be there like items or decorations- it will reduce glare for clearer recordings!

Not Considering the Audio Output

You should think about whether you actually need audio recordings on your dash cam. It all comes down what kind of preference you have as well! Audio recordings on your dash cam may be a great feature if you’re involved in an accident, but they can also take up space and recording everything just adds unnecessary clutter. If an accident is going happen then it may seem like the perfect feature, but keep in mind that all sounds will also get recorded as well so don’t forget this when making decisions!

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