Your Go-To Guide To Efficiently Cleaning Your Vacuum Cleaner

Where would be we without our humble vacuum cleaner? Or more to the point, where would our home be! Indeed, most of us take our vacuum completely for granted until the day comes that it just doesn’t seem to be performing at the same standard that it used to. This is a sign that we have already delayed in giving our poor vacuum the regular TLC that it truly deserves. However, how can you efficiently clean your vacuum at home? This guide is all that you need to get those floors nice and clean once again.

Check For Blockages

Blockages have to be one of the main reasons that vacuums stop performing the way you are used to and seem to make your floors look worse rather than better. You may also find this to be the cause of a vacuum that seems to overheat very quickly. You can avoid blockages by making sure that you empty the canister every time you use your vacuum, that is, of course, if you are using a bagless machine. If you are using a vacuum cleaner with a bag system be sure to resist the urge to reuse bags as this will only contribute to the problem.

Thoroughly Clean The Filter

Most vacuums including robotic vacuum have at least one filter that is washable. Carefully check where the filters are located on your vacuum and tap them against a suitable surface to remove large gatherings of dust (make sure you are outside at the time).

Washable filters can be run under lukewarm water and then thoroughly dried, it usually takes around 24 hours for a filter to completely dry. For filers that are not washable you will need to spend time tapping them against a suitable surface to ensure that all dust is removed, or at least as much as possible.

Free Up The Brushes

Hairs and threads can quickly gather on the brush heads and cause the vacuum to stop performing well, or even to stop working at all. It’s crucial not to pull hairs and threads that are caught in the brush head, instead, you need to take a trusty pair of scissors and cut them out. Of course, make sure that you are cutting the threads and hairs not the brush bristles.

Get Rid Of The Nasty Odor

If your vacuum seems to be giving off a nasty smell when you are using it you may need to open it up check the condition of the bag and give everything a nice soapy wipe (being careful not to soak any parts that should not be immersed in water). Bagless vacuums will benefit from cleaning the canister well and letting it completely dry before re-assembling the vacuum.

The Bottom Line

Indeed, we would all be rather lost without our trusty vacuums, however, they certainly need a good dose of regular TLC to keep performing the way we want them to. By caring for the filters, the brushes, as well as checking for blockages and nasty odors, you are well on the way to enjoying spotlessly clean floors. If all these don’t help, check out our guide on how to know if it’s time to repair your vacuum cleaner. 

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